Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread

There's nothing better to end a bad cooking streak than dessert! With the next half-marathon only being about a week and a half away, I've been greatly taxing my body with the relentless training. So, I figured that it was time for a semi-healthy post-run treat: Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread, posted by none other than Runner's World themselves. But, even this recipe could stand for a bit of alteration. The original recipe makes two very large loaves of bread, but in my opinion it doesn't need three cups of sugar. So, I brought it down to 2 cups, and substituted one of those cups with brown sugar. Also, I substituted half of the flour with whole-wheat flour. Finally, for a more spicy flavor I added 1 tsp. of ground ginger to the dry mix. I can't express how much I love this recipe. It's so moist, flavorful, and holds all the quintessential flavors of Autumn. It's the perfect end to a brisk autumn run.

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