Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Recipe of the Day: Koto Kapama and Quinoa

After our little race, I was searching around for a good post-race meal to refuel us for another week of training. I have to say that Runner's World has never failed me. Koto Kapama is a greek cinnamon chicken dish, and this particular version was created by one of my role models, Iron Chef Cat Cora. Essentially, it's stewed cinnamon chicken and onions in a greek tomato sauce. I loved the flavors so much, that I doubt I'll only be eating this after a run.

Chef Cora recommended that it be served with quinoa. Ok, move over brown rice and whole wheat..Farro and Quinoa are definitely my new favorite grains. If you haven't tried it, try it! I also had an arugula salad (not pictured) with Tyler Florence's ultimate vinaigrette, as another shout-out to the Arugula Gap.

Quinoa Pilaf
1.5 cups Quinoa (rinsed)
a handful of pine nuts
1 tsp of chopped fresh dill
a handful of sliced grape tomatoes
3 cups low-sodium chicken broth

Boil the quinoa in the chicken broth on medium high for about 15 minutes, until all of the liquid is absorbed. Toss in nuts, dill, and tomatoes. Stir and serve.


Unknown said...

that sounds FANTASTIC.

Mayumi said...

what I wouldn't give to live near enough to eat in at Casa JenjenRaquel.