Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine's Day Breakfasts: Banana Pecan Buttermilk Pancakes, Blueberry Strawberry Scones

I was trying my best to figure out two good breakfasts to cook for our Valentine's Day Weekend. And I came up with Banana Pecan Buttermilk Pancakes for one day, and Blueberry Strawberry Scones for the second day. They were both a hit! Especially topped with fresh strawberries and blueberries. I can't say they were the most healthy recipes, considering we could have probably had fruits and oatmeal. But, it was our Valentine's Day celebration and I wanted to splurge a little. Plus, Raquel completely loved it, so it was worth it. Hopefully, we worked it off with the hike we took afterwards.


Unknown said...


Inclusion of fruit=sufficiently healthy for Valentine's Day. And definitely good for the soul. Which is more important anyways. What a lucky Raquel!

Mayumi said...

GOOD LORD, I thought you made both on ONE day at first. :) I was like, "dammmmmnnnn!", then "wow, how delicious," then "wow, i'm jealous/hungry," then "whoaa, you must be really full."

Then I kept reading.

You know. Like I should have done instead of just drooling over the pictures. :)

Jennica Goo said...

Hahaha =) Well, we were actually really full after both days. That's why we had to venture out for workouts afterwards. And while Raquel really did love it, I think it was more of a treat for me. Because I'm the crazy breakfast person. =)