Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm back!

Apologies all around for my absence, folks. It's been a very busy couple of weeks: finishing one of my projects at work, moving offices, and taking a nice long vacation with Raquel. But, don't think that I've been lazing around and giving up on workouts just because life is busy. While home in Hawaii, I did manage to either do a hike, snorkel, or surf every day. Sadly, none of those workouts involved running unless you count running through the mall to buy macadamia nut chocolates. Thus, I've luxuriated in a three-week vacation from running.

Now, I wish I could say that I've enjoyed this vacation without any regrets or guilt. But this vacation included my mom, and she has a knack for guilting me into feeling that I'm not living up to my potential. I am, by no means, criticizing my mom for being overly critical of me. Because I know that there is no one else in this world who can push me beyond my limits (in a good way) like her, except for myself. However, her delivery could use some work. Telling me that I've gained all my weight back, and that my fashion style has become masculine due to that weight gain is not very nice, although effective. Incidentally folks, taking a break between races is ok. It gives your body a chance for some well-deserved, much-needed rest.

Anyway, it's back to training for me, especially to counteract the holiday meal effects. Now, I know that I've explained my motivation to run before. But, I think it's a good exercise to revisit and expand on those reasons. I'm running because I want to live long enough to enjoy life with my future wife and kids. I'm running because I want to one day inspire my kids to try hard to accomplish their goals. I'm running because after a good workout, life magically becomes more manageable. But most of all, I'm running for myself; not to please other people, like my mom. To me, running is a sport that is just between you and the road. And the only thing that should ever be between you and the road is a pair of socks and running shoes.


Mayumi said...

YAAAY! You're back!

And I liked your forgiveness for yourself for taking a break as well as the renewal/remembering of what motivates you.

Great entry!

Unknown said...

Yay, yay, yay! Missed you!

Beautiful blog. Good for you for finding motivation in tough places. I have to disagree with your mom though--I really think you always look stellar.
