Monday, November 2, 2009

Chiles en Nogada, Chiles Stuffed with Caramelized Sweet Potatoes

Ever since the weather started to turn cold, I've been on a hunt to find original seasonal autumnal food. So, that search lead me to the autumn cuisine from our Mexican neighbors. A couple of days ago, I came across these amazing recipes on the SF Gate website: Chiles en Nogada (chiles with walnuts), and Chiles stuffed with Caramelized Sweet Potatoes. The recipes are creations from Jacqueline Higuera McMahan and they are simple delicious!

Chiles en Nogada is a traditional dish from Puebla. In this version, the chile is stuffed with roasted pears, toasted nuts, and chipotle-marinated roast pork tenderloin. It's topped off with a mexican crema sauce combined with toasted walnuts, and drizzled with fresh pomegranates. I have to say that just the idea of those flavors made me drool.

Both dishes are similar to chile rellenos, however I've always kind of shied away from that because chile rellenos are traditionally fried. But, these stuffed chiles are baked! Even the ingredients that were stuffed into the peppers were so creative, healthy, and packed with flavor. My own twist was to mix the sweet potatoes with okinawan sweet potatoes. All I have to say is I've found a new favorite fall dish, and this was it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This sounds AMAZING. Thank you for sharing the recipe!