Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ok gang, time to revive the dead blog a little.  A lot has happened since the last post 2 years ago.  I've been to hell and haven't quite made it back yet, but I'm working on it.  It's true that life never turns out the way that you plan it; and the true test of character comes post disaster.  Picking up the pieces of your life; remembering to breathe, and rising again has always been my definition of strength.  And most of the time, I remind myself that I'm a survivor.  Even still, the first holiday after your life seemingly falls apart will never be easy.  

That's when I was faced with two choices.  1. Succumb to the urge to crumble.  Spend the 4 day weekend weeping on the ground, drunk and constantly thinking about how just 5 months ago my life made sense.  Letting the waves of pain grow, mutate, and continuously pierce the deepest hidden parts of my psyche that I just spent the last 5 months healing. OR 2. Be present.  Bury the pain that I know I have control over, and protect my still-healing wounds.  Open my eyes, and do my best to surround myself with love and do something I really love to do: cook for hours.  And at the very least, run a couple miles every day, not only to symbolically run from my self-imposed torture, but to chase the giant light at the end of the tunnel.  

Well, I can't say that I really chose an option.  In my opinion, I did a little bit of both.  But luckily, much more of #2 than #1, as evidence proves from the photos below.  Yes, I suppose that I got carried away with making an 8 course meal for just 2 people.  But, that's what happens when you have a quirky roommate who will randomly crave many things.  One day, hopefully soon, I'll feel like myself and a whole person again.  Until then though...I thankfully won't be hungry.  Hope you all had a good thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Day Menu - Pumpkin Waffles, Cranberry Compote, Pumpkin Mochi, Herbs de Provence Turkey/gravy, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Gouda Macaroni and Cheese, Maple Bacon Brussel Sprouts, Sauteed Kale with Garlic


Mayumi said...

Well, shit. I wish I had been in SEATTLE!

Love this: "One day, hopefully soon, I'll feel like myself and a whole person again. Until then though...I thankfully won't be hungry."

Atta girl. Acknowledge the pain sometimes, and laugh at it other times. Run from it and feed the self and speed the healing.

Love and miss you.

Jennica Goo said...

Most definitely wished that you were in Seattle too. Love and miss you too. Nothing would've given me greater joy or pain relief than to see you and Dave at the dinner table, partaking in the ridiculous feast that we made!